Friday, March 20, 2009

Installing packages on Fedora10 - Commands

Fedora 10 has 'yum' package management manager to install packages on Fedora.
And also you can install packages using ADD or Remove Software tool provided by Fedora 10. This tool will be available under Administrator tools.

  1. You should be login as a root before installing packages.
  2. Try to first clean the yum cache.
    [root@fedora10 ~]# yum clean all
    Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
    Cleaning up Everything
    [root@fedora10 ~]#
  3. Then install the package required by using the following command.
    [root@fedora10 ~]# yum -y install for example
    [root@fedora10 ~]# yum -y install kdesdk*
    It installs all the packages starts with kdesdk and also any dependency packages.
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Install packages from DVD instead Internet

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